At the dog run

deal making square foot
  • Name: Aron Susman
  • Company:

Aron Susman's cockapoo Parker helped him score his first deal in New York City.

In 2011, Susman co-founded TheSquareFoot, an online brokerage that helps companies with under 25 employees lease office space. The service first rolled out in Texas and came to NYC in late 2012.

"I love talking about my business," said Susman. "Anytime and anywhere."

In March 2013, it was at a city dog run.

"My dog Parker started humping the leg of another dog," he said. "I ran over to apologize and started chatting with the dog's owner." He turned out to be an entrepreneur looking for office space for his men's custom clothing business.

"We ended up finding him a large space and signed our first big deal in New York," said Susman.

First published January 15, 2014: 5:07 AM ET

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