FORTUNE's annual ranking of America's leading businesswomen. (more)
You're probably shocked, scared, and even angry. But try to stay cool (at least on the outside); it could help you negotiate a bigger severance package. (more)

Are you a good negotiator?

To get what you want, you have to know how to ask for it. To see how strong your skills are, take this quiz, from Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, the authors of Ask For It (2008, Bantam) and Women Don't Ask (2007, Bantam).

10 of 10
Score so far: NaN of 100 points
10. You're one of two finalists for a much bigger job, one where you'd be the only woman working with a group of high-powered men.

In the interview, you want to seem professional, goal-oriented, and capable, so you decide to wear a conservative suit, tone down your usual lively social manner, and speak in a direct, no-nonsense way.

This will win the team's respect, allay any concerns they may have about your ability to play with the "big boys," and give you the best chance of being their final choice.
Wrong! The correct answer is: False.

While a direct, no-nonsense approach can work well for men, women should be cautious about using this strategy. New research has found that a man's personal style has little impact on whether negotiators think his request is legitimate, but style matters a great deal for women. A direct approach can make a woman appear too demanding and provoke a backlash, even against a woman everyone likes. Research shows that women can be much more persuasive when they seem likeable and friendly, and communicate an interest in the other side's needs and problems. For women, a softer style produces better results.

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