FORTUNE's annual ranking of America's leading businesswomen. (more)
You're probably shocked, scared, and even angry. But try to stay cool (at least on the outside); it could help you negotiate a bigger severance package. (more)

Are you a good negotiator?

To get what you want, you have to know how to ask for it. To see how strong your skills are, take this quiz, from Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, the authors of Ask For It (2008, Bantam) and Women Don't Ask (2007, Bantam).

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9. It's time to renegotiate your top client's contract. He loves your work, depends heavily on your services, and pays you more than all your other clients.

To make sure you get the raise you seek, it's best to bluff. You should say you need a 6% increase to bring his fees in line with what your other clients pay, and without one, you won't be able to afford to renew the contract.
Wrong! The correct answer is: False.

Such high-pressure tactics have the potential for disaster. Once you�ve made such a strong claim, it�s hard to back down, especially if the client refuses to raise his fees at all. And if he calls your bluff, you�ll lose your most valuable client. Even if this strategy does work in the short-term, the client may find out you bluffed, and you'll have destroyed any trust you�ve built up. It's better to avoid ultimatums. If you�re hoping for 6% more, ask for 8% but signal that you�re ready to negotiate.

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