Who knew that former plantations were apparently good places to set up master-planned communities? And perhaps even to name after?
For starters, Sienna Plantation in Missouri City, Texas, a project of The Johnson Development Corp. The plantation was first settled in 1824. Over time, it became Waters Plantation, growing into a 6,500-acre area growing sugar cane and cotton crops.
But sugar and cotton no longer sprout in this mega-community, which hopes to one day have 20,000 homes and 70,000 people. The Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council estimates about 20,000 people currently living in the community. Now sprawling over 10,500 acres, the land is seeded with parks, golf courses, nature reserves, and water parks, among other amenities. To help take care of the massive area and keep the parks and trails alive and well, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department invested $1.2 million in grants.