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Diamonds, ducks and other Buffett bling

Would you buy underwear with Warren Buffett's face on it? Here's a look at some of the items for sale this weekend at his company's annual meeting, aka 'Woodstock for capitalists'.

Heinz Ketchup

berkshire heinz

Shareholders will have a chance to sample Warren Buffett's "secret sauce".

Here's a hint: it's ketchup.

Heinz, the ketchup company Berkshire and a partner bought last year for $28 billion, is making its first foray into the niche market for Buffett memorabilia.

The theme for its booth at the meeting is "Warren vs. Charlie," according to a Heinz spokesman.

Shareholders will be able to choose between two bottles of Heinz "special edition" ketchup: one with Buffett's face and the other with Munger's caricature .

The showdown was Buffett's idea, the spokesman said."He's confident his bottle will beat Charlie's in sales -- he even agreed to slash the price of the Charlie bottle."

Your move, Munger. Proceeds will be donated to charity.

  @ben_rooney - Last updated April 30 2014 01:43 PM ET

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