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5 nations with huge sway on Wall Street

Forget hedge funds. The world's biggest investors are sovereign wealth funds. When these countries move money around, the financial world listens.

China Investment Corporation

world investors china
  • Assets: $575 billion

Notable Investments: China's largest sovereign fund is getting cozy with Russia. In June, it established a joint investment fund with the former Soviet Union, with the goal of investing in businesses across Russia and China. With a high rate of visitor exchange between the two countries, the joint entity, known as the Russia-China Investment Fund, is investing heavily in tourism and housing infrastructure in both nations.

Outside of Russia, China Investment Corporation bought a $40 million stake in Chinese healthcare provider iKang (KANG) at the company's initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange in April.

Source: Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute
  @JesseSolomonCNN - Last updated June 16 2014 08:35 AM ET

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