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How Wall Streeters blow off steam

The financial world is a notorious pressure cooker. See how bankers and traders chill out.

Corporate Yogi

In the dark days of 2008 when her once storied employer Bear Stearns was collapsing, Liz Maloy had two options: drown her sorrows at the local watering hole or get in shape.

"I needed an outlet," said Maloy, who has worked on Wall Street in marketing for over 10 years. "I didn't want do what everyone else was doing, which was going to the bar and crying into their beer."

She initially took up running, but soon after added yoga to her routine. It's been a phenomenal tool professionally. "My baseline is probably very high strung and yoga makes me calm at work," she said.

She's not alone. On a yoga retreat she attended in Colombia last year, Maloy said that virtually all of the participants worked on Wall Street.

But they are not a bunch of hippies, Maloy claims, adding that the New York City yoga culture doesn't come cheap when factoring in the various classes and clothing.

"It's a big part of my budget, and gladly," she said.

  @JesseSolomonCNN - Last updated August 23 2014 09:55 AM ET

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