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The 7 hottest stock markets in 2015

The hottest stock markets this year include countries with troubled economies: Argentina, Jamaica


  • 2015 half-year gain: 27.8%

Denmark is the classic European success story this year. Its stocks are surging because its currency -- the krone -- has fallen in value in recent years, making it easy for Danish businesses to sell their products abroad.

The European Central Bank's stimulus plan has also pumped money into the continent's economy and put interest rates at zero. That combo bodes well for European markets. It creates an "easy money" environment that stocks tend to thrive in.

Even though Denmark isn't part of the eurozone, it's helpful when its neighbors and close trading partners are doing well.

Denmark's market is up almost 28% this year, the best performer in Europe. Despite the Greek debt drama, many other European markets are thriving too. Germany's DAX is up about 9% this year, while France's CAC index has gained nearly 8%.

Related: Greece keeps banks shut

Source: Bespoke Investment Group
  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated July 08 2015 08:19 AM ET

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