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America's 12 biggest companies now

In the past 6 years, giants like Exxon and Walmart have slid while tech companies have soared.

5.  Exxon Mobil

exxon mobil station
  • Market cap: $347 billion
  • 2009 rank: 1

Exxon Mobil (XOM) is the first fallen angel on this list.

The problem: Oil and gas prices have plummeted from over $100 a barrel last summer to under $50 now. It's a lot harder to make money when you can only sell your product for half of what it used to be worth.

The oil giant reported a 50% drop in profit in the second quarter from last year.

No wonder, its stock has fallen by over 14% in the last year.

  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated August 03 2015 11:35 AM ET

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