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Dumbest Moments in Business

The biggest blunders of 2012.

HP's $8.8 billion Autonomy write-off

dumbest moments hp whitman

Hewlett-Packard's $11 billion purchase of Autonomy in 2011 was supposed to make the PC giant a strong player in the surging software market. A year later ... not so much. In November, HP wrote off more than three-quarters of Autonomy's value.

HP attributed much of the write-down to accounting fraud by ousted Autonomy founder Mike Lynch and others. Lynch strongly denied the allegations, which are currently being investigated.

The loss would be a black eye for any company leader, but it's even worse for HP CEO and would-be savior Meg Whitman, who was on the board that approved the Autonomy deal -- over the strenuous objections of HP's chief financial officer. -- David Goldman

- Last updated December 19 2012 05:01 PM ET

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