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World's 10 worst cities for traffic

Find out if your city has the most congested streets in the world.

3.  Rio de Janeiro

most congested cities

Brazil's Rio de Janeiro is the most congested city in the Americas, but officials are working hard to improve its transport system before the country hosts the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Brazil is investing in expanding metros and improving road infrastructure as it works to cut down on Rio's infamous congestion.

According to TomTom, an average drive through Rio will take you 50% longer compared to off-peak times.

Source: The TomTom Traffic Index
The TomTom Traffic Index is based on real travel time data captured by vehicles driving across the entire road network. TomTom's traffic database contains over nine trillion data measurements. The Traffic Index compares travel times during non-congested periods with travel times during peak hours. Cities with the highest rankings in the index experienced the sharpest increases in travel times between non-congested periods and peak periods. Cities in Asia were not included in the index due to insufficient data.
  @AlannaPetroff - Last updated January 03 2014 11:06 AM ET

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