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6 jobs with most equal pay for men and women

A CNNMoney analysis of Census data shows these jobs -- which have roughly the same amount of men and women workers -- have little disparity in salaries.

Food preparation workers

equal jobs food prep worker

Unfortunately, equal pay is more common in low-wage jobs than it is in jobs where people earn more.

Such is the case with food preparation workers, a field that often requires no more than a high school degree.

In this case, men and women's earnings are the same because they both receive minimum wage.

Full-time women earned a median salary of just $17,000 in 2011, 91 cents to the dollar of a man.

Source: American Community Survey 2011. We included occupations with at least 20,000 full-time workers, where women make a median annual salary that's equal to at least 90% of a man's full-time salary. We only included fields where women don't outnumber men, and men don't outnumber women, by more than 20%.
  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated February 11 2013 08:34 AM ET

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