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I'm signing up for Obamacare

These Americans can't wait until they can apply for health insurance under the new state-based exchanges, scheduled to open for enrollment in October. For some with pre-existing conditions, there are no other options.

obamacare alex wenz
  • Name: Alex Wenz, 51
  • Job: Technical recruiter
  • Residence: San Diego

My wife and I are covered through her work insurance. It's extremely affordable and an amazing deal. We don't have any major pre-existing conditions.

Being self-employed, I don't want to have to rely on company-sponsored health insurance through my wife. Several years ago, when my wife was not working in corporate America, we turned to the individual market for insurance. No one cares about health insurance because they get it through their jobs. But once you have to get it on your own, it's incredible -- the medical history they want, what you have to do for the application. You try to recall your medical history for the last five years.

It was a high-deductible plan, with an $1,800 deductible. I felt protected, but you always had disqualification hanging over your head if you omitted something on the application.

We would not turn to Obamacare because it will be cheaper. It's about choice and value and not being tied to a company. I like the fact that in the exchanges there are no annual limits, no lifetime limits and no possibility of cancellation because of pre-existing conditions.

  @Luhby - Last updated May 09 2013 06:13 AM ET

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