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10 hardest working countries

Where in the world do workers toil the most each year? The United States is high on the list, but a few other countries work even harder.


  • Average annual hours: 2,317
  • Average annual wages: $9,885

In Mexico, workers average 45 hours a week, the most of any industrialized nation. They work about 519 hours more than the typical American worker each year, only to earn less than a fifth of the pay.

When the OECD ranks industrialized nations by education and work-life balance, Mexico comes out on the bottom in both cases. Only about a third of adults -- ages 25 to 64 -- have earned the equivalent of a high school diploma.

There's also a huge gender gap in the job market. Whereas 78% of men have jobs, only about 43% of adult women work for pay.

Source: OECD. Data reflect wage and salary workers, not the self-employed.
  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated July 16 2013 09:27 AM ET

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