2.  Columbia University: $65,860

10 most expensive colleges columbia 2015
  • Total annual cost (including room and board): $65,860
  • Tuition and fees: $53,000
  • Increase from previous year: 3.7%

About half of the undergraduates at this private school in New York City receive some kind of financial aid so they don't have to pay the full price of tuition.

First published November 7, 2015: 3:17 PM ET
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education analysis of College Board data.
Note: Specialty colleges are not included in this list. Costs are for first-year, full-time undergraduate students for the 2015-2016 academic year. Total cost includes room and board, tuition and fees. It does not reflect any grants or other student aid. The percentage increase reflects the year-over-year increase in tuition and fees and is adjusted for inflation. Financial aid data comes from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Do you go to one of America's most expensive colleges? Email Katie.Lobosco@cnn.com to share your story.

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