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"msg": "RT @PoppyHarlowCNN: .@melindagates tells me about the important lesson she learned from Susan Buffett:
//t.co/5K75LelEmi#CNNMoney #F… ",
"time": "about 10 hours ago"
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"userid": "chmatiya",
"image": "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_4_normal.png",
"msg": "RT @VitalVoices: \"I believe that this program is the future of the #women in the region.\" #FortuneMPW #MENA
//t.co/75NNJYUFCh http://t…",
"time": "about 16 hours ago"
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"msg": "RT @FortuneMPW: .@theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes talks about her company, which is valued at $9 billion, now at #FortuneMPW
"time": "about 20 hours ago"
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"msg": "Loved my first #FortuneMPW #luckytobehere ",
"time": "1 day ago"
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"msg": "RT @VitalVoices: \"I believe that this program is the future of the #women in the region.\" #FortuneMPW #MENA
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"time": "2 days ago"
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"msg": "RT @intelnews: Congrats @IntelReneeJames for making @FortuneMagazine's Most Powerful Women list! #FortuneMPW
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"time": "2 days ago"
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"msg": "RT @VitalVoices: \"I believe that this program is the future of the #women in the region.\" #FortuneMPW #MENA
//t.co/75NNJYUFCh http://t…",
"time": "2 days ago"