Best places to retire 2005
See the winners State by state Top 10 lists
West Hollywood, CA
Population, town and surrounding area: 21,582
Population, age 50+: 6,708
Population growth (since 1999), age 50+: 9.50%
Housing City Stats Best places
Median home price $556,964 $315,351
Home price gain
(2-5 year annual gain)
33.77% 14.88%
Healthcare City Stats Best places
(Number in county)
8,943 1,265
(within 30 miles)
291 135
Financial City Stats Best places
Median household income
(per year)
$54,772 $68,053
Sales tax
(average for area)
8.25% 6.77%
State income tax rate
(highest bracket)
9.30%* n/a
State income tax rate
(lowest bracket)
1.00%* n/a
Auto insurance premiums
(Average for the state)
$821 $855
Retirement tax breaks from state
(Favorable treatment of retirement income)
no n/a
Community City Stats Best places
Median age 39 36
Residents with college degree 35% 22%
Quality of life City Stats Best places
Air pollution index
(100 is national average; lower is better)
56 90
Property crime risk
(100 is national average; lower is better)
165 78
Leisure and culture City Stats Best places
Movie theaters
(within 15 miles)
174 27
(within 15 miles)
12,271 3,738
Golf courses
(public courses; within 30 miles)
92 72
(within 15 miles)
141 60
(accredited by AAM; within 30 miles)
13 10
Weather City Stats Best places
Annual precipitation (inches) 18.68 37.80
High temp in July ° F 76.90° 86.11°
Low temp in Jan ° F 49.40° 26.60°
*15 states have statutory provision for automatic adjustment of tax brackets, personal exemption or standard deductions to the rate of inflation. Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio indexes the personal exemption amounts only. For joint returns, the taxes are twice the tax imposed on half the income. tax credits.
Average is based only on data for more than 1,300 cities in the Best Places database. Included are cities with population of more than 14,000 with above-average income, population growth and real estate appreciation during the past five years. The data represent the zip codes associated with the town name. The listed populations often include areas outside an incorporated municipality. For instance, the town of Vienna has a population of 14,900, but 61,700 residents have a Vienna postal address.
If you believe the data on this page is inaccurate, please email us.
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Some data may be provided by Applied Geographic Solutions
Nearby places:
• Beverly Hills, CA
• Studio City, CA
• Valley Village, CA
• Los Angeles, CA
• Sherman Oaks, CA
• North Hollywood, CA
• Burbank, CA
• Santa Monica, CA
• Van Nuys, CA
• Venice, CA
Top 10s
Most golf playedMost golf played
Most country club membersMost country club members
Fastest growth in age 50+ populationGrowth in age 50+ population
Most people age 50+Most people age 50+
Most educatedMost educated

Best places to retire
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