NEW YORK (CNN/Money) -
Coming up with a list of dream cars was no easy task. It took months of research, hours of analyzing performance statistics, tracking auction values, interviewing top auto collectors...
Aaah... Not really.
Honestly, our dreams aren't any better than yours. Neither are top auto collectors or anyone else's. Rather than pretending that there is some reasonable way to define a dream car, Money Magazine autos writer Lawrence Ulrich and I decided to do it the way you'd do it. We asked one another "If money were no issue, insurance were unnecessary and parking were readily available, what cars would we really want?"
More dream cars
To keep things simple, and to keep fights to a minimum, we decided to limit ourselves to current models. No 1960-whatever Mustangs. (We did make one exception with a car that isn't quite in production yet.) Of course, with every moment that passes, I think of another car we could have included. But now it's your turn. Take a look at our list and email us at to tell us what you've been dreaming of.