You or your parents: Who's better off?When it comes to housing, education and income, you have it a lot easier in some ways than your parents. But Mom and Dad trump you in others.NEW YORK ( -- If you're knee-deep in mid-life and busting your hump to make a living and support a family (or just yourself), it's tempting to think that it was easier for your parents to make it. After all, they had kids, bought a house, worked and sent you to college. But they mostly survived on one income. You may be doing the same things as they did but more likely on two incomes and it can still feel like a struggle. But it wasn't all financial easy street 30 years ago, and generationally speaking, there are a lot more opportunities available to a greater number of people today than during the days of leisure suits and gas lines. Here are just a few of the ways you're better off -- and worse off -- than your parents. |