Best places to live 2005
Best places to live 2005 See the winners Search for best places Top 10 lists
  State City January
low temp
1. MN Rosemount 0.0°
2. MN Duluth 0.4°
3. MN Andover 1.8°
4. MN Anoka 1.8°
5. MN Champlin 1.8°
6. MN Cottage Grove 1.9°
7. MN Forest Lake 2.7°
8. MN Mound 2.8°
9. MN Osseo 2.8°
10. MN Wayzata 2.8°
Average low temperature in January.
Source: OnBoard
Based only on data for more than 1,300 cities in the Best Places database. Included are cities with population of more than 14,000 with above-average income, population growth and real estate appreciation during the past five years.
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Priciest homesPriciest homes
Fastest jobs growthFastest jobs growth
Most golf coursesMost golf courses
Least pollutedLeast polluted
Lowest commute timeLowest commute time

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