Why go: The feel of a European city without the steep prices
The deal: Sip coffee for less than a buck at the popular Cafe Tortoni, zip around in the city's signature black-and-yellow taxis for what you'd pay to take the subway in New York City, or tour the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (www.malba.org.ar) for $3 or so.
Where to stay: Hotels are one of the few things that can be costly, so skip the international chains and stay at boutique shops, such as the Art Hotel (arthotel.com.ar), for $125 or less a night (based on double occupancy).
Getting there: A direct flight from New York City to Buenos Aires on American Airlines (aa.com) in early April recently cost $800 round trip.
Tip: Cabana las Lilas in the Puerto Madero section of Buenos Aires is often cited as the best spot for grilled beef.
But Robin Goldstein, a writer for Fodor's travel guides, says you'll find a more authentic dining experience at half the cost just next door at La Caballeriza (address: Alicia Moreau de Justo 580).