10 of 11
2007: A tale of two workplaces
2007: A tale of two workplaces
Google tops Fortune's Best Company to Work For rankings, thanks to fabulous perks and a stock that hits an all-time high of $741 in November. Even so, an exodus of top Googlers picks up as Gokul Rajaram, one of two senior AdSense execs, leaves to start his own company. Several star Googlers have since decamped to Facebook, including former AdWords sales chief Sheryl Sandberg.

Did you know? Google changes its privacy policy to make users' search data anonymous after 18 months.

Annual revenue: $16.6 billion

Profits: $4.2 billion

Revenue growth: 56.5%

Employees: 16,805

NEXT: 2008: Taking on Microsoft

Last updated September 05 2008: 4:22 PM ET
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