9 of 11
2006: The Google of video
2006: The Google of video
Looking to expand its search-advertising platform, Google shells out $1.65 billion for its largest acquisition to date: YouTube, an 18-month old video-sharing site founded by Steven Chen (near right) and Chad Hurley (far right). The search king also strikes a three-year, $900 million deal to run text-based ads on MySpace, a social networking site owned by News Corp.

Did you know? Google is added as a verb in the Oxford English and Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Annual revenue: $10.6 billion

Profits: $3.08 billion

Revenue growth:: 72.8%

Employees: 10,674

NEXT: 2007: A tale of two workplaces
Last updated September 05 2008: 4:22 PM ET
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