It's a city in crisis � but with potential for a big comeback. Despite an ailing auto industry and the highest jobless rate in the nation, Detroiters are determined to make their hometown thrive once again. For the next year, CNNMoney will focus on that challenge.

Going solo in the Motor City

With job prospects bleak, many people in Detroit are deciding to start their own business.

1 of 7
From admin to owner
From admin to owner
Darlene Tate works as an administrative assistant at a construction company.

But she has plans to open up her own staffing agency specializing in everything from blue to white collar jobs. She recently signed up for a two year class that will teacher her everything from book keeping to finding funding.

The best part about running her own firm and leaving her current job?

"My boss can hire my company and contract with me," she says, "so it's a win-win situation."

NEXT: Jobs for smart people
Last updated September 21 2009: 3:22 PM ET
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Raising a family in Detroit
For the Reids, the city of Detroit remains a good place to raise a family, despite being one of the cities hardest hit by the recession.
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