"My classes don't get any operating money from the district beyond my salary and benefits. To keep the program going, we ask students to pay about $20 or $25 a term so we can buy external hard drives when our computers run out of space, replace cameras, and pay for printing costs.
But those are pretty expensive and add up quickly, so I usually have to dip into my own pocket. A single new camera alone can cost about $400
This year, the school took 1.5% off our salaries, which means almost a $1,000 less for me. Because of that, my goal is not to spend any money this year and either apply for grants or make do with whatever equipment we have.
My partner is also a teacher whose salary was reduced by six days, so we have to be careful about our family finances.
Arts and athletics are often the first things to get cut because people see them as extra components of an education compared to the core math and language arts classes.
But our "elective" programs motivate students to come back to school, so I feel for my students who will miss out on opportunities." -- as told to Hibah Yousuf
NEXT: Vicky Halm