Got bedbugs?
Ick! 5 things to know about the price of getting rid of them.

Bedbugs have steadily spread across the country in recent years -- into movie theaters, restaurants, gyms, dorm rooms, offices. Because hotels have been hit hard, frequent travelers are especially at risk of bringing the pests home, says Richard Cooper, an entomologist and co-founder of BedBug Central.
If you fear you're susceptible, you can buy Climbup Interceptors ($60 for 12 at and place these plastic moats under the legs of your furniture to trap the bugs.
Mattress and box-spring covers are also worthwhile, says Cornell University entomologist Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann. Queen-size Protect-a-Bed mattress encasements start at $130; covers for box springs are $53 and up (
NEXT: 2. Spotting bugs early can pay off
Last updated January 25 2011: 5:15 PM ET