25 top-paying companies
Senior account execs at Salesforce.com take home an average $318,323 total compensation annually. Which other Best Companies to Work For offer big paychecks?

Average total pay: $318,323
For: Senior Account Executive*Best companies rank: 52
Salesforce.com goes to extremes to reward the top performers who have helped drive its growth. No wonder this online software provider tops this year's list of best payers.
The sales force gets hefty bonuses. The biggest earners get to enjoy goodies like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -- a $5,000 shopping spree offered during last year's sales incentive trip to Hawaii. Since Tiffany doesn't have a store in Kauai, Salesforce.com hired local carpenters to recreate one, shipped in $1 million in merchandise from surrounding islands, and hired a violin player, chef, and even Miss Hawaii to add ambience.
Not that they don't spread the wealth around: Full-time employees receive a "Mahalo Bonus" (Hawaiian for "thank you"), twice a year -- up to 140% of the target payout. And those lucky employees who've received stock have seen their shares more than double in value over the past year.
NEXT: Bingham McCutchen
Last updated January 26 2011: 2:26 PM ET
*Most common salaried job