Home state: Minnesota
I used to work for a trucking company in Minnesota that had been around for 96 years, but it shut down in 2009. I couldn't find a job, so I ended up declaring bankruptcy and going through foreclosure.
Then I finally found a job at Walmart, where I made $7.50 an hour. But even that wasn't enough to live on, especially since I have to pay $759 a month in child support.
So when I found out Walmart really needed people to work in the Williston location, and that they would pay me more per hour to move there, I put my name in right away. I moved here in July, and I now make $16.80 an hour and get lots of overtime -- at $25.39. I usually get $2,400 every two-week pay period, and I get health benefits.
It's surrealistic here. Just crazy. Every day it gets crazier. You sometimes just don't believe the things you see. The other day I was texting on my cell phone in the Walmart doorway and some kid took off stealing stuff from inside and ran right smack into me. I went flying into the air like a tackling dummy.
The town has started cracking down on people like us living in the Walmart parking lot. But since it's a 24-hour location, we just keep buying little things from the store and keep the receipts in case someone tries to make us move.
NEXT: Colby