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The 5 hottest ETFs in the world

The bull market in stocks turns 6 years old in March. Investors in these funds made a lot of money.

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This list of ETFs was compiled based on data provided by Morningstar.

The data tracked ETF performance between March 10, 2009 and January 28, 2015, or roughly the span of the current bull market in stocks.

CNNMoney excluded leveraged ETFs because those securities are often considered too risky and volatile for retail investors. The list also excluded exchange-traded notes, or ETNs.

ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, are an increasingly-popular way for investors to gain exposure to specific corners of the financial world by tracking an index, commodity or basket of assets. Investors can buy ETFs on the open market and these funds typically have low expense ratios.

When deciding whether to purchase an ETF, it's important to remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Just because these ETFs put up great returns over the past six years doesn't mean they will continue to do so.

  @MattEganCNN - Last updated February 03 2015 01:29 PM ET

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