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Alibaba, Disney, AT&T and Starbucks make your heart go pitter-patter. They are some of the most looked up stocks on CNNMoney.

Exxon Mobil

loved stocks

Do our readers really love Exxon Mobil (XOM)? It's probably more like a love-hate relationship.

The main reason investors may be looking it up so frequently is because they're obsessed with what's going on with oil prices.

The stock hasn't been hit as hard as many other energy firms during the market's crude awakening. But Exxon is down nearly 10% in the past six months.

That's bad news for anyone who owns the stock. Still, consumers who are happy to be paying less at the pump are probably cheering for Exxon to fall even further.

  @lamonicabuzz - Last updated February 12 2015 09:14 AM ET

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