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America's 12 biggest companies now

In the past 6 years, giants like Exxon and Walmart have slid while tech companies have soared.

2.  Google

google earnings
  • Market cap: $444 billion
  • 2009 rank: 22

Is there any market Google (GOOG) hasn't infiltrated?

Search engine? Check. Phone operating system? See Android. Home devices? Check. Self driving cars? Yes, Google's driver-less cars have logged in 2 million miles already. Ride-sharing? Newbie, but getting there.

When Google released its search engine in 1998, it gave users what they wanted -- accuracy, speed and reliability. Since then, it has become the go to search engines. Along the way, Google even become a verb.

Users love the company and so do employees. Its perks are a conversation starter, and college kids are clamoring to work there. It's their top workplace choice time and time again.

Investors still love the company. After reporting stellar second quarter results, its shares soared 13% recently.

The ever evolving company has jumped up 20 spots in 6 years.

  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated August 03 2015 11:35 AM ET

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