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America's 12 biggest companies now

In the past 6 years, giants like Exxon and Walmart have slid while tech companies have soared.

3.  Microsoft

microsoft executive shakeup
  • Market cap: $376 billion
  • 2009 rank: 6

Microsoft completes the tech trio for the top 3 companies in America now.

Everyone has been singing Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows 10. (Well, everyone except Mozilla chief Chris Beard.)

2015 has been the year for revamping at Microsoft. In January, the company announced the "Office universal apps" for all screens, big and small. Worldwide PC scales may be sliding but Microsoft won't let its software fall off your radar.

Despite one chip on its shoulder (read: a $7 billion chip called Nokia, an ill-fated acquisition that has led to massive layoffs), Microsoft has managed to climb up 3 ranks over the last 6 years.

  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated August 03 2015 11:35 AM ET

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