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10 hard-to-fill jobs

More than 11 million Americans are unemployed, yet 4 million job openings remain unfilled. These companies want to hire, but are struggling to find the right people.

Oil exploration director

hard to fill jobs foster wheeler
  • Company: Foster Wheeler
  • Location: Houston, Texas

Oil and gas exploration is a booming business in places like Texas and North Dakota, and the industry is hungry for all the high-skilled workers it can get.

Foster Wheeler employs more than 13,000 workers globally and is looking for workers to join its "upstream" business (industry lingo for the exploration and production phase).

One position -- The Upstream Project Director -- would handle several large projects at the same time. The job requires a seasoned veteran well versed in on- and off-shore operations that has at least 25 years of experience.

But qualified candidates are very hard to find. Highly skilled workers are retiring and energy companies find themselves competing for talent. Workers are compensated well and will likely receive multiple offers.

Apply to work at Foster Wheeler

Explore other oil and gas jobs

  @CNNMoney - Last updated September 10 2013 09:16 AM ET

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