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10 hard-to-fill jobs

More than 11 million Americans are unemployed, yet 4 million job openings remain unfilled. These companies want to hire, but are struggling to find the right people.

Software developer

jobs skills gap microsoft
  • Company: Microsoft
  • Location: Redmond, Wash.

The software industry is growing rapidly, creating lots of job opportunities for those with the right skills.

By 2020, there will be 1.2 million job openings in computing that require at least a bachelor's degree, according to a recent report by Microsoft (MSFT). But at its present pace, the United States can't produce even half of the graduates needed to fill them.

Currently, Microsoft is looking for professionals in core research, engineering and development to fill in its more than 3,300 open positions across the country. Job openings at the company are up 30% from the same time last year.

Ideal candidates for Microsoft have a bachelor's, master's or Ph.D. in engineering, computer science, or a related field, with one to two years of programming experience.

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Explore other software development jobs

  @CNNMoney - Last updated September 10 2013 09:16 AM ET

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