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Jobs that get the biggest tips

Exotic dancers. Sommeliers. Casino dealers. These jobs rake in the biggest tips per hour, according to a survey by Payscale.

Hotel floor manager

gallery tips income hotel manager
  • Median hourly tips: $5.20
  • Median hourly income: $16.70
  • % of income from tips: 31%

A hotel floor manager is the go-to person for the special items and services that hotel guests require.

And while these managers don't get tipped as often as concierges or valets, they tend to get paid more substantially with tips adding about $5 an hour to their wages, according to PayScale.

But don't let the gratuities fool you. The BLS projects that hotel management jobs will see slow growth over the next decade.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated December 04 2012 05:45 AM ET

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