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Jobs that get the biggest tips

Exotic dancers. Sommeliers. Casino dealers. These jobs rake in the biggest tips per hour, according to a survey by Payscale.


gallery tips income chauffeur
  • Median hourly tips: $5.30
  • Median hourly income: $21.00
  • % of income from tips: 25%

Chauffeurs may have to work long, odd hours and exhibit an extreme amount of patience dealing with traffic and fickle passengers, but it can certainly pay off.

Hourly wages are not only high, but tips can be, too.

Job openings are expected to grow in the field, with 20% more drivers needed between 2010 and 2020, according to the BLS. Most chauffeurs work in metropolitan areas, and those areas that are experiencing fast economic growth should offer the most job opportunities.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated December 04 2012 05:45 AM ET

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