11 of 100
11. Zappos.com

Rank: 11 (Previous rank: 6)
What makes it so great?
Now in its second year under Amazon.com, Zappos maintains its zany culture. New last year: Zfrog awards, which let employees pitch new business ideas, and on-site "laughter yoga" classes.

But things aren't all fun and games: A hacking incident where millions of Zappos customer accounts were exposed to cyberattackers lent a sober note recently. In an employee e-mail, company CEO Tony Hsieh called for "all hands on deck" to get through.

2280 Corporate Circle
Henderson, NV 89074
2010 revenue ($ millions): 1,640
Website: www.zappos.com
Network with Zappos
Is Zappos a great employer, or what?
U.S. employees 3,003
Employees outside U.S. 0
New jobs (1 year) 1,195
% job growth (1 year) 70%
% voluntary turnover 11%
Applicants 52,520
Job openings (as of 1/2/12) 124
Pay Avg. annual pay*
Most common job (salaried):
Fulfillment Center Process Manager
Most common job (hourly):
Fulfillment Center Team Member
Fully paid sabbaticals No
Onsite child care No
100% health-care coverage Yes
Onsite fitness center No
Subsidized gym membership No
Job sharing program No
Compressed workweek Yes
Telecommuting Yes
% minorities 21%
% women 51%
Has nondiscrimination policy
that includes sexual orientation?
Offers domestic partner benefits
for same-sex couples?
Professional training  
Salaried employees (hrs./yr.): 100
Hourly employees (hrs./yr.): 140
From the Feb. 6, 2012 issue
N.A.: Not available. U.S. employees includes part-timers as of time of survey. Job growth, new jobs, and voluntary turnover are full-time only. Revenues are for 2010 or latest fiscal year. All data are from July 2011 and based on U.S. employees.
* Average annual pay: yearly pay rate plus additional cash compensation for the largest classification of full-time salaried and hourly employees.
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Southern Ohio Medical Center $490,647
Bingham McCutchen $228,851
Alston & Bird $201,233
Zappos.com 70%
Salesforce.com 39%
Rackspace Hosting 37%
California 18
Texas 11
New York 10
To pick the 100 Best Companies to Work For, Fortune partners with the Great Place to Work Institute to conduct the most extensive employee survey in corporate America; 280 firms participated in this year's survey. More
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