Nearly a third of Best Companies offer an onsite child-care center. Here are 10 with the lowest monthly rates for a 3-year-old to attend.
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Company size | Large | Small | Ignore |
Number of women | High | Low | Ignore |
Ethnically diverse | Yes | No | Ignore |
Extra training | Yes | No | Ignore |
Job growth | Yes | No | Ignore |
Low turnover | Yes | No | Ignore |
State: For multiple selections, hold down the <Ctrl> key |
How it works |
Company | Avg. annual pay |
Southern Ohio Medical Center | $490,647 |
Bingham McCutchen | $228,851 |
Alston & Bird | $201,233 |
Company | Job growth % |
---|---| | 70% | | 39% |
Rackspace Hosting | 37% |
State | No. of top employers |
California | 18 |
Texas | 11 |
New York | 10 |