Rank: 46 (Previous rank: 51) What makes it so great?
The chipmaker moves people to new positions every 18 to 24 months, on average, to encourage them to explore new fields. (New hires are told, "Welcome to your next five jobs.")
Headquarters: 2200 Mission College Blvd Robert Noyce Building
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549
2010 revenue ($ millions): 43,623Website: www.intel.com |
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Company size | Large | Small | Ignore |
Number of women | High | Low | Ignore |
Ethnically diverse | Yes | No | Ignore |
Extra training | Yes | No | Ignore |
Job growth | Yes | No | Ignore |
Low turnover | Yes | No | Ignore |
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How it works |
Company | Avg. annual pay |
Southern Ohio Medical Center | $490,647 |
Bingham McCutchen | $228,851 |
Alston & Bird | $201,233 |
Company | Job growth % |
Zappos.com | 70% |
Salesforce.com | 39% |
Rackspace Hosting | 37% |
State | No. of top employers |
California | 18 |
Texas | 11 |
New York | 10 |