By Nadira A. Hira

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Forget Donald Trump, Mark Cuban, and Richard Branson--hands down, our favorite reality-TV CEO is fake billionaire N. Paul Todd, who stars in Fox's sly Apprentice spoof My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss. On the show, unwitting contestants compete for a job at Iocor, a fictitious company "run" by actors. The show's title stinks, but the lechy Todd, a dozen Ivy League kiss-ups, and one demoralizing challenge after another provide some seriously entertaining lessons in corporate Darwinism. Whether drunk-dialing the hot blond contestant, proclaiming he owns King Arthur's sword Excalibur, or forgetting names during boardroom firing sessions, Todd is never at a loss for business wisdom. Hey, Trump: Take notes. -- N.A.H.