Table of contents: VOL. 152, NO. 9 - October 31, 2005
![]() Features
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates answer questions, first for 2,000 Nebraska students, then for FORTUNE's Daniel Roth. The billionaire buddies on the economy, philanthropy, and investment strategy--an exclusive report. (more)
How ten companies, making products from drills to waffles, took good brands and made them much, much better. (more)
Mercedes has boosted the quality of its new models, but owners are still mad about the older ones. Can the brand regain its luster? (more)
Mike Ullmann will always have Paris--he spent three great years as a brand guru at LVMH. Here's how he's working the same magic in Plano. (more)
A tech revolution, a new middle class, a sizzling economy. But it still can't get the basics right. (more)
After 17 months in office, India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a Cambridge-educated economist, talks about his country's accelerating growth. (more)
bing: while you were out
business life
Foreign-born stars are heading home. How to keep them working for you. (more)
With the launch of two brand-new all-business-class airlines, a change is in the air. Will upstarts Eos and MAXjet really fly? A peek inside the cabin. (more)
Lenovo refines a classic with its first crop of IBM ThinkPad portables, successfully combining superior performance, useful new features, and darn good looks. (more)
cancer and the culture wars
Christian conservatives fear that new, amazingly effective cervical-cancer vaccines will spur promiscuity and undermine abstinence. Let the lobbying wars begin. (more)
Yes, the chairman is a genius. But his successor doesn't have to be. (more)
In the aftermath of the low-carb craze, some companies are still cashing in on America's weight-loss obsession. (more)
So far the economy is handling high oil prices. But here comes heating season. Get ready for ... (more)
After 21 mostly dazzling years at the helm, Jim Gipson is leaving, taking his singular style with him. (more)
media bubble
power pastor
America's new superstar pastor wants to rebrand evangelical Christianity. He's got the management genius to do it. Here's where he's leading his troops. (more)
street life
tech special
But that doesn't mean Time Warner should sell. Here's why. (more)
Bram Cohen's BitTorrent software made it a cinch to pirate films on the Internet. So why is Hollywood on his side? (more)
It took a while, but Rupert Murdoch has a case of Internet fever. A real-time portrait of a legendary mogul remaking his media colossus. (more)
value driven