Table of Contents:VOL. 157, NO. 12 - December 10, 2007 COVER STORY
The building of a billion-dollar athlete: Hoops superstar LeBron James is changing the model. (more) FEATURES
If they truly have world-class oomph, they're on our list of the most powerful businesspeople in the world. (more)
A new breed of heavy hitters wields attraction rather than coercion. (more)
The world economy may seem vast and impersonal. But take a closer look. A Fortune photo essay. By Jerry Useem (more)
He thinks the doomsayers are wrong, and he has another year in office to fight off attacks on the Bush tax cuts. An exclusive visit with the Vice President. (more)
Live Nation's Michael Rapino just may have this whole file-sharing, iTunes-listening, MySpace-Internet-era music thing all figured out. (more)
Chevron CEO David O'Reilly tells Geoff Colvin that, love it or hate it, the world is going to run on oil for several more decades. (more)
He pulled off China's hottest Internet IPO and joined forces with Yahoo to build the country's largest online business. Now Alibaba founder and CEO Jack Ma has his sights set on the rest of the world. (more) FIRST
Tired of paying taxes like ordinary people? (more)
The work of Alaskan crabbers. (more)
Wall Street's biggest names are paying up to $6,000 a square foot for apartments at 15 Central Park West. (more)
By Barney Gimbel, writer Pilots took pay cuts after 9/11. Now they want their money back. (more)
The battle for brainpower (more)
Buyout king (and former Navy man) Jerome Kohlberg gives GIs an assist. (more)
Disney CEO Bob Iger shares his efficiency tips. (more)
Enron vs. Citi: Find the good guy here. (more) TECHNOLOGY
What happens when engineering talent meets extreme gunsmithing. (more)
A military-grade PDA gets the nod from the NSA. (more)
Stores are filled with affordable mobile phones with access to a growing library of digital music. Here are three of the best. By Michal Lev-Ram (more)
Is Google spinning out of control? (more) INVESTING
Some of our winners and losers in 2007, including an IPO that soared and a mortgage insurer that tanked. (more)
 By Bill Gross, founder and chief investment officer of Pimco We have a secret banking system built on derivatives and free of regulation. (more) LIFE AT THE TOP
Get a jump on the holidays with gift ideas for everyone on your list. (more)
Meet the woman who knows what everybody wants. (more)
Five books that deserve space on any shelf - especially yours. By Daniel Okrent (more) | |
Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|