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Table of Contents:VOL. 157, NO. 8 - April 28, 2008
Cover Story
What Warren thinks...Buffett talks about the economy, the credit crisis, Bear Stearns and more. more
We found some attractive opportunities, including steel, Microsoft - and cattle futures. more
The fixed-income markets are a mess. Keep your maturities short, and don't forget about inflation. more
Some see it as a safe haven, but buying too much has it's pitfalls. more
Saving Soci�t� G�n�raleThe inside story of how 31-year-old trader J�r�me Kerviel nearly destroyed French giant Soci�t� G�n�rale, bank CEO Daniel Bouton's dramatic rescue, and the surprising aftermath of the affair. more
Can Bob Iger's revitalized Disney weather technological change and a bad economy? more
The man who wants to fix retail
Will Richard Baker's big bet on Lord & Taylor cost him his shirt? By Suzanne Kapner 
The Business of Green
11 great green ideasEntrepreneurs are risking their money to develop everything from hybrid vehicles to home solar-panel systems. Here are some of the best concepts. more
The cap-and-trade market for emissions - coming soon to America - is creating huge new opportunities for business. more
Yes, there is a toxin-free, sustainable, farmed fish. And damn if it ain't tasty. more
GreenFuel Technologies is betting that algae will save the planet - and make the company filthy rich. more
Coca-Cola CEO E. Neville Isdell is an environmentalist, but making the company sustainable is harder than it looks. more
CIT is everyone's headacheInstability at the century-old finance firm could bring Wall Street's pain to Main Street businesses that depend on it. more
No tax rebates for the rich. But they're getting so much more. more
Waste not
The Beckton Sewage Treatment Works turns the waste of 3.4 million Londoners into energy. By Ryan Derousseau 
Last one standing
The Chicago Stock Exchange, the only remaining independant stock exchange, wants a buyer. By Telis Demos. 
Ford's Hollywood break
A bigtime product placement deal on NBC's Knight Rider. By Michael V. Copeland 
My metric
Dennis Gartman sees further real estate woes in this year's household summer vacation plans.  
The three-minute manager
My company is being targeted by an activist. What should I do? By Jia Lynn Yang 
CEO pay has risen faster than corporate profits, but there are major obstacles to changing the system. more
Seeing 60 games a year keeps the league's commissioner on the go. Here's how he manages. more
Netflix lives!Video downloads haven't made the DVD-by-mail business obsolete. more
Fastest-growing companies update
Intuitive Surgical continues its winning streak on booming sales of its DaVinci robots. By David Stires 
Guess who's rewriting the rules of gaming?Girls, office drones, and other non-teenage boys hooked on new, free-to-play online games, that's who. It's bad news for giants like Electronic Arts and Activision; good news for startups and ... no joke ... Target. more
Need to know
Cool stuff on our radar screen, including knife-proof T-shirts and a drugstore DNA paternity test. By Jia Lynn Yang. 
Oil CityA labyrinth of steel and concrete, one-third the area of Manhattan, is rising on the coastline of Jamnagar, India. When it's done, it will process 5% of the world's gasoline. more
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Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|

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