Table of Contents:VOL. 158, NO. 3 - August 18, 2008 Cover Story
 Listen up! Star bank analyst Meredith Whitney called the credit meltdown a year ago. Her forecast now: more pain on the way. By Jon Birger Features
 The rise and fall of Jimmy Cayne In 1993 he became the CEO of Bear Stearns. Last summer he was worth $1.6 billion on paper. This winter Bear Stearns collapsed. Here, for the first time, he breaks his silence about how things went wrong. By William D. Cohan
The bank built on a bubble Upstart lenders like Arizona's Towne Bank took off like rockets, but many are now in a bind. Fortune visits the aftermath of the Sunbelt housing bust. By David Whitford
99 bottles of beer on the wall Fortune's home-brewed guide to American beer lineage, based on an unscientific (but highly opinionated) survey of Fortune staffers - and with help from industry experts. By Beth Kowitt
Can Chrysler survive? The frailest of Detroit's automakers has been in private hands for a year. CEO Bob Nardelli badly needs a hit if the company is to endure. By Alex Taylor III
Suburbia comes to China Millions of newly affluent Chinese are moving to vast "satellite cities" rising on the fringes of the country's megalopolises. This is the story of one family's new hometown and how the exodus is reshaping China - and rocking the global economy. First
 The Deal When it comes to tax loopholes, there are few better than Sam Zell. Will he strike again with the Cubs deal? By Allan Sloan
California Drillin' Reversing the ban on offshore drilling could dramatically increase the number of new wells. By Scott Cendrowski
Pac-Man goes to Hollywood Marvel's ex-chief plans a movie version of the '80s arcade hit. By Richard Siklos
From WMD to energy Iraqi yellowcake may soon power your home. By Erik Heinrich
Saudi Arabia turns to gold... And copper and bauxite and phosphate. By Barney Gimbel
Marketing Wal-Mart enters the ad age. By Suzanne Kapner
Value Driven Is it possible that Europeans, famed for their endless vacations, work as much as we do? By Geoff Colvin
Question Authority Former AmEx CEO Jim Robinson is guiding tech startups through the credit crunch. By Katie Benner
The long and short of it How Zimbabewe's ruler ruined an entire economy - and why it will bring him down. By Elizabeth Spiers Technology
 The true meaning of Twitter What exactly is Twitter? And what does its exploding popularity say about the state of the tech industry? Inside the hottest web startup since...gosh, February. By Adam Lashinsky Life at the top
 Never fly coach again Take a ride on the hottest new business jet in the air. Plus: jet etiquette, and how to fly private for less.
Joy Ride Three minis that manage to combine out-there gas mileage with just enough zoom. By Sue Zesiger Callaway
Book Review "Kingmakers" - Brits, twits, and others who made the Middle East the mess it is today. By Daniel Okrent Mega-Projects
 Bigger is better Royal Caribbean is spending more than $1 billion to build the largest passenger ship ever conceived. The third in a series on the world's most ambitious construction projects. By Telis Demos/Photographs by Robert Polidori | |
Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|