Switch industry
Aerospace and Defense Airlines Automotive Retailing, Services Banks: Commercial and Savings Beverages Building Materials, Glass Chemicals Computer Software Computers, Office Equipment Diversified Financials Electronics, Electrical Equipment Energy Engineering, Construction Entertainment Food and Drug Stores Food Consumer Products Food Production Food Services Forest and Paper Products General Merchandisers Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care Health Care: Pharmacy and Other Services Household and Personal Products Industrial and Farm Equipment Information Technology Services Insurance: Life, Health (mutual) Insurance: Life, Health (stock) Insurance: Property and Casualty (mutual) Insurance: Property and Casualty (stock) Mail, Package and Freight Delivery Metals Mining, Crude-oil production Miscellaneous Motor Vehicles and Parts Network and Other Communications Equipment Petroleum Refining Pharmaceuticals Pipelines Railroads Securities Semiconductors and Other Electronic Components Shipping Specialty Retailers Telecommunications Temporary Help Tobacco Trading Utilities Wholesalers: Electronics and Office Equipment Wholesalers: Food and Grocery Wholesalers: Health Care
1 Carrefour 33 115,585 15 3,147 11 2 Tesco 51 94,703 18 4,253 20 3 Metro 56 90,267 20 1,129 -15 4 CVS Caremark 80 76,330 74 2,637 93 5 Kroger 87 70,235 6 1,181 6 6 Walgreen 125 53,762 13 2,041 17 7 Royal Ahold 137 50,739 -11 4,012 256 8 Groupe Auchan 139 50,465 15 1,317 41 9 Seven & I Holdings 141 49,768 9 1,130 -1 10 AEON 154 44,707 8 380 -23 11 Supervalu 157 44,048 18 593 31 12 Safeway 164 42,286 5 888 2 13 J. Sainsbury 208 35,797 10 660 7 14 Woolworths 228 33,442 18 1,016 34 15 George Weston 254 30,559 8 524 392 16 Coles Group 293 27,556 0 594 -32 17 Delhaize Group 306 26,113 7 561 27 18 William Morrison Supermarkets 310 25,960 12 1,109 141 19 Rite Aid 328 24,418 40 -1,079 -4122 20 Alliance Boots 340 23,812 10 20 -97 21 Publix Super Markets 360 23,194 6 1,184 8 22 Migros 445 18,915 15 666 11
1 Carrefour 115,585 75,928 2 Tesco 94,703 60,002 3 Metro 90,267 49,523 4 CVS Caremark 76,330 54,722 5 Kroger 70,235 22,299 6 Walgreen 53,762 19,314 7 Royal Ahold 50,739 20,387 8 Groupe Auchan 50,465 36,965 9 Seven & I Holdings 49,768 37,334 10 AEON 44,707 34,498 11 Supervalu 44,048 21,062 12 Safeway 42,286 17,651 13 J. Sainsbury 35,797 20,104 14 Woolworths 33,442 12,231 15 George Weston 30,559 18,631 16 Coles Group 27,556 8,329 17 Delhaize Group 26,113 12,898 18 William Morrison Supermarkets 25,960 15,180 19 Rite Aid 24,418 11,488 20 Alliance Boots 23,812 35,364 21 Publix Super Markets 23,194 8,053 22 Migros 18,915 41,278
From the July 21, 2008 issue