Switch industry
Aerospace and Defense Airlines Automotive Retailing, Services Banks: Commercial and Savings Beverages Building Materials, Glass Chemicals Computer Software Computers, Office Equipment Diversified Financials Electronics, Electrical Equipment Energy Engineering, Construction Entertainment Food and Drug Stores Food Consumer Products Food Production Food Services Forest and Paper Products General Merchandisers Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care Health Care: Pharmacy and Other Services Household and Personal Products Industrial and Farm Equipment Information Technology Services Insurance: Life, Health (mutual) Insurance: Life, Health (stock) Insurance: Property and Casualty (mutual) Insurance: Property and Casualty (stock) Mail, Package and Freight Delivery Metals Mining, Crude-oil production Miscellaneous Motor Vehicles and Parts Network and Other Communications Equipment Petroleum Refining Pharmaceuticals Pipelines Railroads Securities Semiconductors and Other Electronic Components Shipping Specialty Retailers Telecommunications Temporary Help Tobacco Trading Utilities Wholesalers: Electronics and Office Equipment Wholesalers: Food and Grocery Wholesalers: Health Care
1 Home Depot 65 84,740 -7 4,395 -24 2 Costco Wholesale 99 64,400 7 1,083 -2 3 Lowe's 145 48,283 3 2,809 -10 4 Best Buy 177 40,023 11 1,407 2 5 Hutchison Whampoa 286 28,035 19 3,922 52 6 Arcandor 394 21,354 13 22 -95 7 Otto Group 397 21,247 10 126 -40 8 Staples 439 19,373 7 996 2 9 Kingfisher 449 18,744 16 549 -12 10 TJX 452 18,647 7 772 5
1 Home Depot 84,740 44,324 2 Costco Wholesale 64,400 19,607 3 Lowe's 48,283 30,869 4 Best Buy 40,023 12,758 5 Hutchison Whampoa 28,035 102,498 6 Arcandor 21,354 20,209 7 Otto Group 21,247 22,213 8 Staples 19,373 9,036 9 Kingfisher 18,744 18,693 10 TJX 18,647 6,600
From the July 21, 2008 issue