Absecon, NJ
Top 100 rank: N/A
Population: 8,400
Compare Absecon to Top 10 Best Places
  City stats Best places avg.
Median family income
(per year)
$70,454 $90,316
Family purchasing power
(annual, cost-of-living adjusted)
$70,808 $82,867
Sales tax 7.00% 6.74%
State income tax rate
(highest bracket)
8.97%I 6.38%
State income tax rate
(lowest bracket)
1.40%I 2.74%
Auto insurance premiums
(Average for the state)
$3,729 $2,121
Job growth %
12.59% 13.41%
  City stats Best places average
Average home price $258,788 $359,352
Average property taxes
$3,200 $3,585
See homes for sale
See million-dollar homes
  City stats Best places average
Colleges, universities and
professional schools (within 30 miles)
1 29
Junior colleges and
technical institutes (within 30 miles)
2 18
Test scores reading
(% above/below state average)
1.4% 20.1%
Test scores math
(% above/below average)
17.0% 24.8%
% students attending public/private
schools (located within town limits)
50.2/49.8 91.1/8.9
Quality of life
  City stats Best places average
Air quality index*
(% of days AQI ranked as good)
84.7% 77.3%
Personal crime incidents (per 1,000) 5 1.3
Property crime incidents (per 1,000) 41 20.6
Median commute time
(in minutes)
17.8 23.1
% population with commute
45 mins. or longer
10.1% 15.6%
% population walk or bike to work 2.1% 2.7%
Leisure and culture
  City stats Best places average
Movie theaters
(within 15 miles)
7 30
(within 15 miles)
819 2,899
(within 15 miles)
90 287
Public golf courses
(within 30 miles)
46 125
(within 15 miles)
19 71
Museums (accredited by AAM;
within 30 miles)
1 11
Ski resorts (within 100 miles) 1 17
Arts funding (Dollars per person of state funds spent on arts) 3 1
  City stats Best places average
Annual rainfall
40.59 40.18
% clear days in the area 26 28
High temp in July ° F 85.1° 86.1°
Low temp in Jan ° F 22.8° 24.0°
  City stats Best places average
Has health plan
(% of residents)
89.3% 90.5%
Body mass index (avg. for residents) 27 27
Diabetes rates
(% of residents diagnosed)
13.5% 9.3%
Hypertension rates
(% of residents diagnosed)
38.3% 30.6%
Elder-care facilities** 22 107
Meet the neighbors
  City stats Best places average
Median age 40.2 36.8
Completed at least some college
(% of residents)
52.1% 72.4%
Married 51.5% 60.8%
Divorced 12.2% 8.0%
Racial diversity index
(100 is national average; higher numbers indicate greater diversity)
92.2 59.2
Amount spent on vacations
(domestic and foreign, household avg. per year)
$7,304 $8,250
*County data
**Elder-care services refer to skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. Data from Total Living Choices.

(I) Income tax notes:
The tax brackets reported are for single individuals. For married couples filing jointly, the tax rates range from 1.4% to 8.97% (with 7 income brackets) applying to income brackets from $20,000 to over $500,000.
Data: OnBoard, FORTUNE. Details
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Johnson & Johnson36
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Criteria Not
Affordable housing
Plentiful leisure activities
Plentiful cultural options
Job growth
Sunny weather
Short commute time
Good health care access
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  Median household income
Hillsborough $263,456
Scarsdale $219,317
Los Altos Hills $199,370
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  Avg. high temp
in July (°F)
Rancho Mirage, CA 108.2°F
Avondale, AZ 107.6°F
Glendale, AZ 107.6°F
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Priciest homes
  Median price
Montecito $3,157,233
Hillsborough $2,606,764
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Most singles
  % single residents
State College 76.5%
Durham 74.5%
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  Median age
Storrs 20.65
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