Washington, DC
Population: 581,530
Population, age 50+: 160,113
Population growth, age 50+: 2.9%
City stats |
Median family income (per year) |
$52,454 |
Family purchasing power (annual, cost-of-living adjusted) |
$43,931 |
Sales tax |
5.80% |
State income tax rate (highest bracket) |
8.70% |
State income tax rate (lowest bracket) |
4.50% |
Auto insurance premiums (Average for the state) |
$2,717 |
Retirement tax break from state? |
No |
City stats |
Median home price |
$488,953 |
Average property taxes (2006) |
$3,009 |
See homes for sale |
See million-dollar homes |
City stats |
Air quality index* (% of days AQI ranked as good) |
61.1% |
Personal crime incidents (per 1,000) |
14 |
Property crime incidents (per 1,000) |
46 |
City stats |
Movie theaters (within 15 miles) |
77 |
Restaurants (within 15 miles) |
7,424 |
Bars (within 15 miles) |
398 |
Public tennis courts |
209 |
Public swimming pools |
34 |
Public golf courses (within 30 miles) |
153 |
Park acres |
7,617 |
Libraries (within 15 miles) |
220 |
Museums (accredited by AAM; within 30 miles) |
29 |
Ski resorts (within 100 miles) |
6 |
Arts funding (Dollars per person of state funds spent on arts) |
24 |
City stats |
Annual rainfall (inches) |
43.70 |
% clear days in the area |
26 |
Snowfall (average in inches) |
0.00 |
High temp in July ° F |
88.9° |
Low temp in Jan ° F |
24.0° |
City stats |
Life expectancy (men/women) |
67.6/76.2 |
Has health plan (% of residents) |
93.3% |
Diabetes rates (% of residents diagnosed) |
7.9% |
Hypertension rates (% of residents diagnosed) |
28.9% |
Geriatric doctors (per 100,000 population) |
9 |
Cancer doctors (per 100,000) |
56 |
Radiologists (per 100,000) |
156 |
Heart doctors (per 100,000) |
104 |
Elder-care facilities** |
149 |
City stats |
Median age |
34.9 |
Completed at least some college (% of residents) |
67.6% |
Married |
24.9% |
Divorced |
9.7% |
Racial diversity index (100 is national average; higher numbers indicate greater diversity) |
601.3 |
Life inside the Beltway: a rich mix of culture, walkability and charm.
A leafy but still urban neighborhood.
 Think your city is a great place to retire? Send your photos, video or audio files and show us why.