Petaquilla Announces Results for the Twelve Months Period Ended May 31, 2009

Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. ("Petaquilla" or the "Company") (TSX: PTQ)(OTCBB: PTQMF)(FRANKFURT: P7Z) has released its financial and operational results for the period ended May 31, 2009. All figures are in U.S. dollars.

Significant Accomplishments during the period ended May 31, 2009

Molejon Gold Deposit Project

- Mining has commenced with the first gold pour on April 7, 2009.

- All equipment relating to the electrical and mechanical components of the processing facility has been received and installed.

- Emergency tailings pond has been completed.

- All civil work has been completed.

- Ball mills #2 and #3 were put into operation. Ball mill #1 is 90% complete and expected to be put into production in the first quarter of fiscal 2010.

- Road access for the starter pit is complete.

- Construction of the bridge connecting the mine to the plant is now complete.

- All work related to the CIP tanks has been completed. The support structure for the agitation mechanism for the leaching tanks has been completed.

- Construction of mill feed bins is complete.

- The general warehouse, ADR and refinery have been completed.

- Metallurgy lab is complete.

- Tailings pond #2(a) is complete. Tailings pond #2(b) is 80% complete and work on raising the wall of pond #2(a) and #2(b) is currently underway and expected to be completed in the second quarter of fiscal 2010.

- Secondary and tertiary crushing equipment and conveyor systems are 80% complete. The primary crusher is 50% complete. The expected completion date for the secondary and tertiary crushers is the first quarter of fiscal 2010 and the primary crusher will be ready in the second quarter of fiscal 2010.

Environmental Impact Study Approval

On November 26, 2008, the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente ("ANAM"), the environmental agency of the Government of the Republic of Panama, issued a Resolution approving the Company's Environmental Impact Study Category III (the "EIS"). The Resolution sets out a number of conditions to be satisfied before the Company can attain full commercial production of the Molejon Gold Mine in Panama. On detailed review of the Resolution, it became apparent that some of the conditions were not applicable to the Molejon operation, and others had already been satisfied by the Company. The Company therefore established a working group to cooperate with ANAM to ensure that all conditions are satisfied or waived, so that full commercial production in fiscal 2010 will take place without delay.

During the current period, the Company has been subject to regular inspections confirming its full compliance with the applicable environmental regulations. Petaquilla Gold, S.A., the Company's Panama subsidiary which operates the Molejon plant, has provided additional technical documentation on specific procedures related to the monitoring of the environmental impact on water, soil and air as well as various studies on health and migration of populations within the area of influence of the mine project, fully complying with the conditions defined by ANAM for readiness for commercial production. Accordingly, the Company expects to initiate full production as soon as the technical pre-production testing is completed which is expected to occur at or about the same time as approval from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is obtained.

Several meetings have been held with ANAM personnel and ANAM's appointed independent ITS Consulting and EnviroLAB Laboratories to establish a routine of regular environmental inspections.

The Company has retained SGS Panama Control Services Inc., part of the Swiss group SGS - Societe Generale de Surveillance, for the process of certification to the international standards on Environmental Management, ISO 14001 and Safety and Occupational Health, OHSAS 18001.

Mill Commissioning and Production

The Company announced wet commissioning on November 28th, 2008, after initiating a pre-production test program; progressively bringing online some of the critical process equipment. During the third quarter, 18,000 tons of low grade ore were used to test the "mine to plant" feed circuitry. Such tests met the requirements of a technical covenant related to the senior secured note financing. This test material did not result in a gold pour.

The Company produced its first gold bar on April 7, 2009.

Gold production - ounces                                              2,973
Silver production - ounces                                            1,109
Gold sales - ounces                                                     703
Silver sales - ounces                                                   114
Average realized gold price (per ounce)                           $  928.24
Unit cash production cost (per ounce, on a co-product and
 by-product basis)                                                $1,793.13

Subsequent to year-end

We are currently conducting an internal investigation under the oversight of the Audit Committee and with the assistance of advisors, of certain of our international operations, focusing on the material weakness identified during our assessment of internal controls as at May 31, 2009. The process is still in the fact-finding stage, and no conclusions can yet be drawn.

                (In U.S. dollars, except per share amounts)
                                         Twelve                      Twelve
                                   months ended     One month  months ended
                                         May 31, ended May 31,     April 30,
                                           2009          2008          2008
 Accounting and legal              $  1,944,302  $     15,536  $  1,306,921
 Accretion of asset retirement
  obligation                            331,504        52,098       305,692
 Consulting fees                        370,248        21,170       943,250
 Amortization                           336,602        35,511       344,968
 Filing fees                            115,295           280        87,005
 Investor relations and
  shareholder information             1,121,895        54,595     1,012,822
 Office administration                2,152,886       177,657     2,366,940
 Rent                                   240,693         1,630       122,495
 Exploration and development costs    7,761,862       562,237    11,690,204
 Stock-based compensation               898,454        77,890     5,561,247
 Travel                               1,014,530       121,849       857,907
 Debt issuance costs                  6,398,825     3,894,873             -
 Wages and benefits                   2,916,615       177,329     1,668,455
 Total expenses                     (25,603,711)   (5,192,655)  (26,267,906)
 Foreign exchange (loss) gain        (8,157,720)      295,059     1,342,442
 Interest income                        169,366        78,658        51,926
 Interest on long-term debt             (37,382)      (15,613)      (68,465)
 Asset usage fees                        (4,155)         (695)      126,775
 Gain on sale of equity investment   40,604,938             -     4,347,077
 Power and drilling services            156,597        70,094        76,430
 Loss from equity investment         (2,396,011)     (779,846)   (8,301,371)
 Gain on dilution of equity
  investment                          2,238,492             -    12,582,085
 Redemption loss on senior secured
  notes                             (13,130,982)            -             -
 Mark-to-market loss on senior
  secured notes and convertible
  senior secured notes              (14,939,298)            -             -
 Total other income (expenses)        4,503,845      (352,343)   10,156,899
Net loss for the period             (21,099,866)   (5,544,998)  (16,111,007)
Other comprehensive (loss) gain:
 Unrealized (loss) gain on
  translating financial statements
  to U.S. reporting currency         (4,648,716)      487,574       716,555
Comprehensive loss for the year    $(25,748,582) $ (5,057,424) $(15,394,452)
Basic and diluted loss per share         $(0.22)       $(0.06)       $(0.17)
Weighted average number of common
 shares outstanding                  96,019,488    93,131,030    93,131,030

We seek Safe Harbor.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of PETAQUILLA MINERALS LTD.

Bassam Moubarak, Chief Financial Officer

No stock exchange has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Petaquilla Minerals Ltd.
Bassam Moubarak
Chief Financial Officer
(604) 694-0021 or Toll free: 1-877-694-0021
(604) 694-0063 (FAX)
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