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Median pay: $56,500 Top pay: $85,300 10-year job growth: 43.7% Total jobs*: 71,600
What they do all day?
These social butterflies are some of the best party planners around. They oversee every aspect of corporate events -- from working with graphics designers to create the invites, to budgeting, to setting up travel for speakers. They must deal with dozens of people along the way to pull it off, and the ability to juggle many tasks and keep cool under pressure is essential.
Quality of life ratings:
Personal satisfaction
Low stress
Benefit to society
Published: October 29, 2012
Notes: All pay data from Median pay is for an experienced worker (at least five or seven years in the field). Top pay represents the 90th percentile. Job growth is estimated for 2010-20, and based on people working in broader 'job family' from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
*Total jobs is estimated number of people working in broader BLS 'job family.', Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNNMoney research
Do Meeting/Convention Planners have great jobs, or what?
It's still a tough job market out there, so when CNNMoney and set out to find America's Best Jobs this year, first and foremost we looked for professions that offer great growth opportunities.